The Wait command pauses sequence playback until either a given period of time has passed, a key is pressed, or a device action occurs.
Here are some examples:
Pause the sequence for 2 seconds:
Wait For 2 Seconds
The time period can be anything upwards of 0.1 seconds, in 0.1 second increments.
Pause the sequence for a time period stored in a previously defined variable:
Wait For Time Seconds
Pause the sequence until a key is pressed:
Wait For Keypress
You can use Jump commands to make decisions based on the key that was pressed.
Pause the sequence until a key is pressed, or 0.1 seconds have passed:
Wait For Keypress For 0.1 Seconds
You can use Jump commands to make decisions based on the key that was pressed. The time period can be anything upwards of 0.1 seconds, in 0.1 second increments.
Pause the sequence until the Hit action of a Button named EndStop occurs:
Wait For EndStop Hit
Pause the sequence until the Hit action of a Switch named EndStop occurs, or 10 seconds have passed:
Wait For EndStop Hit For 10 Seconds
The time period can be anything upwards of 0.1 seconds, in 0.1 second increments.
Pause the sequence until the Position property of a Meccanoid Servo Motor named Arm is greater than 45 degrees clockwise:
Wait For Arm Position > 45 Degrees
During sequence playback you can press the Spacebar to skip a Wait command.